What we offer …

Let yourself be surprised by the undisputed charm of the Capri alleys where the double soul of the island takes shape between simplicity and silence, close yet far from the glamor of the Piazzetta di Capri.

Hidden corners where time seems to have stopped. An illustrative walk through history and traditions to discover the origins of one of the most beautiful islands in the world. The hamlet of Saint Teresa and the small church of Saint Anna are the starting points for a journey through time.

The time available allows if you want the possibility of being accompanied on a visit to some of the most interesting places in the vicinity of the historic center.

Any admissions are not included.

What to visit?

  • Briefly
    • August Gardens (Capri city center)
    • Charterhouse of Saint Giacomo (Capri city center)
    • Palazzo Cerio (Capri city center)
    • Villa Lysis (1 hr. walk from the main square/confortable shoes required/uphill and downhill street in pedestrian area)
    • Villa Jovis (1 hr. walk from the main square/confortable shoes required/uphill and downhill street in pedestrian area)

The following tour can be done individually or combined with others according to your needs

  • Confortable shoes are highly reccomended

Augustus Gardens

Within a short walk from the “Piazzetta” there is a beautiful garden built by the german tycoon Alfred Krupp at the beginning of the 20th century with a beautiful view on the bay of Marina Piccola and on the Faraglioni.

Entrance fee Euro p.p.

Charterhouse of Saint Giacomo

On your way to the Augustus Gardens you may see on your left the charterhouse of Saint Giacomo, it is one of the three charterhouses built in campania but the only one built near the sea on a rocky ridge. Built in the XIV century as a votive offering by Giacomo Arcucci secretary to Giovanna d’Angiò. A walk through its cloisters is a journey in the past. According a local legend the monks started the parfume production. Nowaday the tradition is carried on with passion by “Chartusia

Entrance fee Euro p.p.

Palazzo Cerio

In the past the building hosted the queen Giovanna d’Angiò, later the family Cerio lived in it in 19th century. The Cerio’s family founded the Centro Cerio. Edwin Cerio and his sister-in-law Mabel Norman founded the museum which houses finds of anthropological and zoological importance since the prehistoric times as well as a library all due to their tireless work.

Entrance fee Euro p.p.

Villa Lysis

Built at the beginning of the 20th century it is not as much as a house but far more as a dream nestled on a rocky ridge over the sea.

Entrance fee Euro p.p.

Villa Jovis

Built by the Emperor Augustus became the Emperor Tiberius residence between year 26 a.d. up to the year 37 a.d. and from there he ruled the Roman Empire. Built on the top of Mount Tiberio at 330 mt. a.s.l. has imposing water tanks built on different levels and from the very top there is a beautiful view on the Gulf of Naples on the left and the Gulf of Salerno on the right. You will be amazed!

Entrance fee Euro p.p.

  • Mobile 2: (+39) 338 653 6697
  • Mobile 1: (+39) 333 486 8687